another Web bitchout

*Hobbit* (
Sat, 25 Feb 1995 11:33:18 -0500

Whatever brilliant boy first implemented file access via FTP in a web browser
should be taken out and beaten soundly about the noggin with rolled-up RFCs. 
It maintains the one-connection-per-item paradigm, which is NOT the way FTP
works, and everybody since then copied the method without THINKING first.

Thus, if you're logging FTP connections, you get six times more NOISE than
necessary when some point-and-click lamer wants ONE lousy file.  Not to
mention twice as much TCP setup overhead.

How hard would it be, once a browser realizes that it's talking to an FTP
server, to just keep the control socket open?!  It's probably way too late to
get it fixed by now, dammit.
